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Neo Hasidic Week 2023

A week filled with learning and festivities  

Wednesday - August 30

14:00 - Arrival

14:30 - Lunch

15:30 - Opening and study with Rabbi Art Green: What do we mean by Neo Hassidism?

17:00 - break

17:15 - Explanation about the Besht Yeshiva in Dresden and the community from the community Rabbi Akiva Weingarten and the Chairman of the community 

17:45 - Break

18:00 - Shiur as preparation for the High Holidays about blowing the Shofar in Hasidism and Kabbalah - with Rabbi Mordechai Zeller 

19:30 - Dinner

20:30 - Workshop about High Holiday melodies and Hasidic stories about the founder of Hasidism with the grandson of one of the famous students of the Ba’al Shem Tov - Dr. Zeev Kitzis and Rabbi Shai Zarhi


Thursday - August 31

9:30 - Breakfast (after Shacharit)

10:30 - Hasidic learning and meditation - with Rabbi Art Green 

12:00 - Break with refreshments

12:30 - Dresden city tour, both Jewish and ordinary sites - with Moshe Barnett

16:30 - Late lunch at the Yeshiva

17:30 - Lecture about the Jewish history of Dresden and about the building of the New Synagogue after the war in 2001 - with Dr. Herbert Lappe

18:30 - break

18:45 - On dreams in Hasidism through the eyes of Rabbi Nachman of Breslev - with Rabbi Mordechai Zeller

20:15 - Break

20:30 - Creative evening, singing and meditation with Rabbi Nava Bernstein followed by “Lel Shishi” with Cholent and Hassidic Kumzitz with Rabbi Shai Zarhi


Friday - September 1

9:00 - Preparing breakfast from buffet at the Yeshiva (take away)

9:30 - Travel to the Saxonian Switzerland Mountains

10:30 - Shacharit and Hitbodedut in the nature

12:30 - Travel back to Dresden

13:30 - Lunch at the Yeshiva

14:30 - Group cooking of Jewish and Hasidic Shabbat food at the Yeshiva

19:00 - Kabbalat Shabbat prayer and Shabbat Tish until late


Saturday - September 2

10:00 - Coffee and Hasidic learning on the Parasha before Shacharit - with Rabbi Art Green

10:45 - Shacharit

12:00 - Kiddush and meal

15:00 - Lunch break and sleep

17:00 -  Shabbat as an Exercise in Utopia through Kabbalah, Hasidism and Revolutionary Theory - with Micki Weinberg

18:45 - Mincha and Se’udah Shlishit with discussion: Neo Hassidism, an intergenerational and intercontinental conversation 

20:45 - Havdalah

21:00 - Movie night - “Let there be light” A documentary following the life of Menachem Philip, a former Haredi singer and film director who left the community - with Rebbezin Sarah Weingarten - Hasidic life from the perspective of an ultra-Orthodox woman


Sunday - September 3

9:30 - Breakfast at the Yeshiva

10:00 - Shiur about Hasidut in Germany - why leaders of the Hasidic movement did not arrive in Germany and what were they so afraid of in the new world? - With Dr. Ze’ev Kitzis

11:30 - Break 

11:45 - Shiur / workshop with Rabbi Shai Zarhi in Hebrew about the non verbal language of prayer in Neo Hasidism with texts of Rabbi Nachman, Bialik and Rav Kook

13:15 - Lunch

14:15 - Break 

18:45 - Inauguration of the new synagogue


Monday - September 4

9:30 - Shacharit

10:00 - Breakfast and summery Shiur - Rabbi Art Green


Meet The Team


Rabba Nava Meiersdorf 



Rebbezin Sarah Weingarten

Monsey NY

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Rabbi Shai Zarchi



Rabbi Art Green 


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Micki Weinberg


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Dr. Ze'ev Kizis


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Rabbi Mordechai Zeller



Rabbi Akiva Weingarten



Dr. Herbert Lappe



Moshe Barnett


Disclaimer: the program is subject to change

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